Corporate Wellness Programs in London and beyond
Empower your workforce through the power of food
Health really can be a superpower at work. What we eat can provide as much as 60% of our total daily food intake over the average working day which means our workplace diet can significantly impact our health, happiness and even work productivity!
The Institute for HealthCare Consumerism finds the average reduction in health-related costs due to workplace wellness programs are 28% fewer sick days, 30% fewer worker’s compensation cases and a 26% reduction in healthcare costs.
Food for thought…
So it’s Lily’s role to educate, empower and inspire employees to make positive dietary changes while at work.
But there isn’t a ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution which is why Lily offers nutrition-focused workplace wellness programs tailored to your employee’s needs. Her extensive training in nutrition and vast experience within the corporate wellness sector, enables her to provide evidence-based and trustworthy programmes.
Each workplace wellness program is tailored to your requirements in order to achieve maximum results. Some examples of what can be included within nutrition-focused corporate wellness programmes include:

Nutrition Lunch + Learns
Interactive and engaging seminars covering key topics in relation to health and wellness. Employees can pop in on their lunch break and learn how to boost productivity and success through good nutrition.
Key topics covered include how to eat for brain power, mood and even energy. Lunch and learns are bespoke and provide practical strategies to empower employees to lead a healthy and successful lifestyle.

Practical Workshops
A chance for busy employees to put knowledge into practice. On average, we consume 60% of our food at work and our choices can make or break whether we experience a high energy day!
These workshops break down the barrier between ‘lack of time’ and creating nourishing meals. Employees will leave full of inspiration to replicate easy recipe ideas in the workplace or at home.

Workplace Clinic Days + Health Mot’s
Personalised nutrition advice for employees, Lily provides 30 minute express nutrition consultations to enhance health and productivity.
It’s recommended to carry out at health MOT on a yearly basis which includes advanced testing to identify common nutritional deficiencies.

Nutritional Nudging
With an undergraduate degree in food science and human nutrition, I can provide a nutritional analysis of food and drink at the onsite restaurant and canteen, along with guidance on practical change.
Creating an environment which harbours change is key to the success of any workplace wellness program. I will assess the barriers to change and develop tailor made strategies and materials to increase compliance.